
About PT Delta Mandiri Selaras


A startup company established in 2006 specialized for die-cast finishing processes and deburring processes. Since 2012 our company expanded our business in producing specialparts and machine fabrication. Along with the technology implementation and to deliverfulfillmentsfor to our customers, in 2020 we amplified ourservices using robotic for deburring processes and to provethat we have modernize our engineering processes

Best Services


Specialist Purpose Machine

Machine Manufacturing and Design Based on Customer Requirements


Conveyor Specialist

Design, Manufacturing and Services


Fabrication & Specialist Part Maker

Precision Pallete Fabrication



die-cast finishing processes and deburring processes


Our Project

our succeeded project that we managed to accomplished within 12 months to our client based on the business requirements.


Telescopic Conveyor

Telescopic Conveyors are Conveyors whose length can be varied by telescopingslides on the frame. They are popular at receiving and shipping docks wherethe conveyor is extended into inbound or outboundtrailers for unloading orloading. These conveyors used for loading of tires, boxes and cartons in trucks and containers.


Inclined Conveyor

These belts prevent loose materials from falling off, which is safer for employees.It also increases the productivity rate of the fabrication project. Incline conveyorsystems transport project materials with precise angles and smooth mechanical design.


Heavy Duty Slat Conveyor

The main purpose of a conveyor system is to move objects from one location toanother in the production line to assembling process. The design allows formovement of objects that are too heavy or too bulky for humans to carry byhand. Conveyor systems save time when transporting items from one location toanother. The DED processes are still on progresss.


Metal Detector Conveyor

conveyor magnet and metal detector systems locate harmful foreign material toproactively prevent unnecessary damage and extend the life of your conveyorbelt. Tramp metal such as roof bolts can all be safely detected and removed.


Metal Scrap Conveyor

Scrap Material Handling Conveyors are used for conveying large solids be itfinished product or waste handling.


Modular Conveyor

A modular belt conveyor is a flat belt conveyorand is made up of individual plastic or steel modules usually linked togetherusing joint rods. Modular belt conveyors are suitable for conveying componentsor packed materials throughout production areas inside factories.


Deburring Robotic

Design integration system and fabrication robotic for deburring process.